
Here are some links to websites I have found interesting or helpful, with a nod to my personal interests in modeling and prototype history.

Progressive Model Design builds custom model railroad layouts.  They do great work, if I do say so myself!

Pennsylvania Railroad Technical & Historical Society (PRRT&HS) is one of the oldest railroad historical societies, going strong for over 60 years.  I am an unapologetic PRR fan but besides that the PRRT&HS has a wonderful on-line modeling magazine.

Hands to Work Railroading is my local hobby shop in the south suburbs of Chicago.  You can visit their Facebook page at

Coming soon —  Tuscarora Modeling Services Facebook page

The National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) is just what the name says – an organization dedicated to the flourishing of the hobby we all love.  It also provides many resources for modelers.

The Juniata County Historical Society (JCHS) has been wonderful in supporting my interest in the Tuscarora Valley RR, the heart of my own layout.  They still have copies of my book on the TVRR.  Visit their website, and click on “store.”

Port Royal 200 was created in conjunction with the 200th anniversary of the town of Port Royal, PA, which was also the northern end of the Tuscarora Valley RR.  The site features many prototype photos of the TVRR as well as a number of images of my models of various Port Royal structures.